We are building a lot of digital education infrastructure, but did we think about its sustainability?
Project Mission
C-FLEX aims to open a systemic debate on the impacts and sustainability of digital education, and especially its infrastructure. The project combines actions in research and education, probing the past and present to speculate about future directions. We contribute reflections to orient digital education infrastructure towards openness, accessibility (in terms of reducing the digital divide, and increasing interoperability and inclusivity) and sustainability (environmental, ethical, technological).
The project dimensions
Discussing what makes digital education technologically functional and maintainable.
Social, ethical and legal
Exploring ethical and legal considerations such as privacy, accountability, fairness and freedom of choice.
Quantifying the environmental impact of the process of digitalising education.
Piloting needed changes in the teaching and learning, both in results and processes, in assessment and administration.
Real Experiences
We are pioneering Sustainable Solutions for Europe's Digital Education Landscape. Explore the future of digital learning with us at our immersive summer schools!